Biomarkers CoViDiag+

CoViDiag+ is an High-Definition COVID-19 serological device. Based on CoViDiag test which simultaneously detects and identifies 4 antibodies produced against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, CoViDIag+ is offering to enlarge again immune profile with the detection of antibodies cross-reacting with 4 variants (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Omicron).

The addition of RBD domains from 4 SARS-CoV2 variants offers to compare antibody response intensities to improve evaluation of cross immunity between different virus strains.

Perfectly automatable on several mainstream devices, CoViDiag+ is a very competitive technology, that enables to test and characterize several hundred samples a day. 


Key points of CoViDiag+


  • Up-to-date : Based on the CoViDiag serological test CoViDiag+ is updated with Ag from variants as soon as they are available
  • Simplicity : same protocol as an ELISA test
  • Flexibility : Various isotypes detection 
  • Adaptability : Standard lab equipment : Quick visual interpretation**

**Automated interpretation is available on a specific reader.




CoViDiag Product Range

Multi variant 96-tests kit SirYus CoViDiag+ RUO for IgG detection #2006
Multi variant 96-tests kit SirYus CoViDiag+ RUO for IgM detection #2007


To obtain Covidiag kits and assistance, please contact us using the following form:

You can also contact us directly
by phone: +33 (0)3 28 55 51 29
or by email: